Vocal FX for Live performance

Carl is a pioneering vocal fx engineer and music producer. In 1999 he opened up an art space in Pennsylvania to support the local music scene in all its myriad of forms, from experimental electronica to psychedelic, from dance hall to punk music.

From this eclectic beginnings, Carl went onto study ‘Recording Arts’ at Full Sail in 2003. In 2004 he moved to NYC where help set up ‘G2 Audio Solutions’ an early portable Pro Tools playback systems for touring globally. This system eventually become NYC’s major supplier of Pro Tools Systems for live performance playback.

Since Carl has become an undisputed leader in the industry, touring globally with artists such as Beyonce, Bruno Mars, Madonna, Carlinhos Brown, Mary J Blige, Hall and Oates, Diddy, Jonas Bros.

From 2015 to 2023 Carl worked exclusively as Beyonce’s Vocal FX engineer developing a system to take her studio fx seamlessly into a  live sound environment for real time control.

His most recent collaboration with Madonna blossomed from this approach, and now Carl is devoted to put his skills at the service of the Queen of pop.